Why hiring a freelance digital marketer is better


Freelance digital marketers are the new norm. The ability to hire an expert who can help you in one specific area, rather than having to rely on a team of employees and expensive overhead costs, has been the dream of small businesses for years. A great example is digital marketing freelancers. They come with all skillsets needed to produce results, they can bring that expertise directly to your organization without any agency fees or other overhead costs involved in traditional project management software like Basecamp or Wrike.

New vs. established talent

When it comes to hiring a freelance digital marketer, new talent is a good fit for small businesses. Established talent has more experience, and that’s something that you should consider when deciding who to hire. The higher cost of established talent is a concern for startup businesses. New talent has a different perspective on things, and they’re more likely to be able to offer fresh ideas for your business.

For example, if you are hiring a content writer, make sure he/she knows the difference between human-written content and AI-generated content. This difference and sense are valid in all fields of digital marketing.

Billable hours

If you hire a freelancer, they’ll be paid by the hour. This means that no matter how much work you give them, they’re only going to charge you for the time they spend working on your project.

This is great because it means that if you’re having trouble getting projects off the ground or not making money quickly enough, all you must do is cut back on how many hours your freelance digital marketer works each week until things start picking up again. It also makes it easier for small businesses who can’t afford high-end marketing teams but always need someone on call to make sure their website stays up to date and optimized for SEO.

Agency vs. independent

There are two main types of digital marketing agencies: the ones that handle everything from content creation to analytics, and those that specialize in one or two areas.

The first kind is a better fit for larger businesses because they’ll want the support of experts who can help them with all aspects of their marketing efforts. They won’t have to worry about learning new software or hiring more than one person just to get their feet wet with social media management tools like Hootsuite or Buffer. The second type is a better fit for small-to-medium businesses that have a more clearly defined purpose and aren’t looking to expand into other realms outside of their core business.

Companies that want fast results without having any experience running campaigns might benefit from hiring an independent marketer through Upwork or another freelance website—but remember: this option comes at a price!

Specific skillsets

A good digital marketer will have a variety of skillsets. The most common are SEO, social media marketing, analytics, copywriting, etc. Here are some other examples of critical digital marketing expertise:

SEO (search engine optimization) – ensuring your website appears on the first page of search results for relevant keywords or phrases. This can also include developing backlinks (links from other websites) to your site.

Social Media Marketing – managing your company’s social media accounts to grow brand awareness, drive traffic to landing pages, and generate leads/conversions/sales from users through different platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Analytics – looking at data collected by Google Analytics or another analytics tool, so you know how many visitors came to your site each day; how long they stayed on the site and what pages they viewed first before leaving again, etc.

Industry leaders vs. up-and-comers       

Choosing an industry leader for a large company is a good idea because they have the experience and track record to earn big results. However, if you have a smaller budget and time frame, hiring an up-and-comer who’s looking to prove themselves may be more appropriate.

Up-and-comers are generally more affordable than industry leaders and can offer more flexibility in terms of what they can do for your business. They’re also willing (and often excited!) about taking risks—like trying new strategies or going after untapped markets—because they want to show off their skillset by doing something different from everyone else.

Freelancers are a good fit for small businesses.

The benefits of hiring a freelance digital marketer are most obvious—and most beneficial—for small businesses.

Small businesses often struggle with the resources available, and when there’s only one person in charge of marketing, it can be difficult to get everything done at once. As a result, many small business owners hire freelancers so they can bring on talent that’s only needed for specific projects or tasks. For example: if you want someone to help with social media management but don’t need them full-time, then a freelancer is your best bet! Freelancers are also ideal for businesses who need help with a specific project or piece of work that isn’t ongoing but crucial to growing their business now.


We hope we’ve given you some food for thought about whether a freelance digital marketer could be a good fit for your business. Consider all factors discussed above and plan on your own. We know that hiring one isn’t for everyone, but if you think it might be a good idea, then do it!
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